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holiday travel

As the holidays draw near, many of us are making holiday travel plans to see loved ones or to experience the vacation destination of our dreams. But with a resurgence in travel since the pandemic, increased gas prices and continuing inflation, it could be more expensive than usual to get where you’re going this year. And that extra expense could add stress to your holiday experience, which you don’t want.

To avoid some of the added costs of holiday travel, try to plan your trip as far in advance as possible. This will help you find better prices and more flexible schedules. Also, be sure to book flights with a few connections, not just one. This will allow you to cancel or change your itinerary if necessary. And consider flying on the actual day of Thanksgiving, which tends to be a less busy travel day. The days before and after Christmas are also very busy, so if you can avoid traveling on those days, it’s a good idea.

Another way to save money is to book your flight during the week, rather than on the weekend. This can often result in a lower price and less of a chance for delays or cancellations, especially if you are flying on the actual day of the holiday. Also, be willing to depart at an ungodly hour during the holiday season if it means you’ll have a cheaper ticket and fewer passengers to deal with.

A final way to save money on holiday travel is by choosing destinations that don’t require rental cars or that offer rideshare services. This will save you a lot of money on the cost of a car, gas and hotel room fees. Plus, by choosing a place where you can walk to most places or use public transportation instead of a rental car, it’s possible to save even more.

Finally, be sure to check to see if you have a credit card that offers holiday travel benefits like free bag checks, a waived checked bag fee or elite status that can help with your holiday travel. These perks can save you a lot of money over the course of your entire trip.

Holiday travel can be stressful, but with the right tips and tricks, you can make it as easy and enjoyable as possible. So be sure to take advantage of the tips in this article and have a happy holiday season! And remember that while your journey may be perilous, your destination will be worth it! Taking regular trips to new places is also a great way to reset your mind and body. In fact, some people can feel the positive effects of a vacation for up to five weeks after returning from their trip. So, if you can’t take a vacation this holiday season, just be sure to plan a trip for the next one! Happy traveling!